Department for the Study of Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law

Historical background |  Preceded by the Department for Constitutional Law, International Law and Legal Theory and the Department for Constitutional Law and Human Rights, The Department operates in its current form since September 2013.

Research areas | Researchers within the Department work on anti-discrimination law, anti-terrorist legislation and constitutional exceptionalism, comparative and international constitutional law, comparative minority rights, constitutional procedures, constitutional reasoning, corporate human rights obligations, data protection, privacy law, ethno-racial data processing in the news media, European constitutional theory, hate crimes, hate speech, human rights theory, practice and monitoring, legal education and legal didactics, legal theory, constitutional theory, limiting the constitutional power: unconstitutional constitutional amendments, political financing, proportionality in constitutional law, the constitutional foundations of criminal law, the constitutional foundations of law enforcement, transitional justice, conflict and post-conflict studies.

Larger projects, grants | Through its researchers, the Department is involved in the following research projects within the Institute:

Through its researchers, the Department is involved in the following research projects within the Centre:

  • "Integrációs és dezintegrációs folyamatok a magyar társadalomban”, (Tendencies for integration and disintegration in Hungarian Society) MTA TK OTKA-grant (2013–2015) (headed by Imre Kovách)
  • "A választási szabályozás fejlődése és a pártrendszerek működése a Kelet-Közép Európában", (The development of electoral laws and party systems in East-Central Europe) 'Incubator project' (headed by Iván Halász)
  • "Társadalmi konfliktusokra adott identitáspolitikai válaszok” (Identity-political responses to social conflicts in European, national and local context) 'Incubator Project' (headed by Margit Feischmidt)


Head of Department

