Theoretical and practical issues concerning the relationship of international law and domestic law

   30th October 2014


The Discussion Group on Public International Law of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies cordially invites you to its next meeting. The debate will focus on theoretical and practical issues concerning the relationship of international law and domestic law on the basis of the following three papers:

  • Lando Kirchmair: The Theory of the Law Creators' Circle, Applied to Austrian and Hungarian Constitutional Provisions on the Relationship of International and Domestic Law. (Based upon the author's book "Die Theorie des Rechtserzeugerkreises: Eine rechtstheoretische Untersuchung des Verhältnisses von Völkerrecht zu Staatsrecht am Beispiel der österreichischen Rechtsordnung" [Duncker & Humblot, 2013]. Presented by the author.)
  • Tamás Molnár: Relationship of International Law and the Hungarian Legal System 1985-2005, in András Jakab, Péter Takács, Allan F. Tatham (eds.): Transformation of the Hungarian Legal Order 1985-2005: Transition to the Rule of Law and Accession to the European Union. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2007. pp. 468-483. (Presented by the author.)
  • Gábor Sulyok: Incorporation of International Law into Domestic Law under the Fundamental Law of Hungary, in Péter Smuk (ed.): The Transformation of the Hungarian Legal System 2010-2013. Budapest: CompLex Wolters Kluwer, 2013. pp. 31-50. (Presented by the author.)

Date: 30 October 2014, 14.00
Venue: Meeting Room (H-1014 Budapest, Országház street 30, 2nd floor)
Working Language: English
Contact: Gábor Sulyok Head of Department, Senior Research Fellow

All interested, including postgraduate students, are welcome to attend.